
AIR MILES: Transfers between Dream and Cash miles coming soon

To the point AIR MILES will soon offer the possibility of transferring miles between Cash and Dream rewards. They will then be combined in 2024.

Transfer between AIR MILES Cash and Dream Miles

It has been announced on The Globe and Mail and Rewards Canada, that it will soon be possible to transfer Silver miles to Dreams (and vice versa).

Finally! What wonderful, long-awaited news!

When the program began in 1992, there was only one bank of AIR MILES miles. Then, in 2012, the program decided to have two rewards options:

  • Cash Miles: to be redeemed either at an AIR MILES partner checkout or as an electronic gift card (95 miles = $10 rebate).
  • Dream Milles: To be exchanged for travel and merchandise

From that moment on, you have to choose wisely for the distribution of miles, as it is impossible to move them from one option to another right now. It also created frustration and confusion among members.

But very soon, AIR MILES will announce the procedure for transferring miles between the two options. Then, eventually, they will be merged into a single bank of miles in 2024, just as they were at the start of the program!

Dollorama Air Miles

Bottom Line

Asked for a long time, the AIR MILES program makes an excellent choice by combining miles.

This will make the program much more flexible and user-friendly for its members. Since its acquisition by BMO last spring, the program has taken several steps in the right direction to regain the trust of its members.

If you’re interested in collecting AIR MILES, these limited-time credit card offers are great:

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Caroline Tremblay
I'm Caroline, a loyalty program specialist! I use my points to travel more often and at a lower price with my spouse and our two children. I'm passionate about writing about the latest rewards news and how to put more points in your pocket.

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