How to make money from home: working from home.

Updated May 31, 2024
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To the point Working from home is now the norm for a lot of people. Let's see how working from home can be beneficial and make you money.

How to earn money from home: teleworking

The pandemic has allowed many to reconsider their life. Pushed to switch to teleworking mode, freed from traffic, some even moved away from the office where they used to go morning and evening. The dream.

Because with the right internet connection and a token if needed to connect to the office computer, they now only have to go there occasionally. Team meetings can also be organized on dedicated applications, and I know colleagues who have lunch together through Teams or Zoom.

When you lose your job

But what about those who have lost their jobs and are thinking about repositioning themselves in the labour market?

They quietly envy these digital nomads, self-employed workers, who until now, in a frugal lifestyle, had managed to combine travel and earning a living thanks to teleworking.

But some have returned from their Eldorado and also have to adapt to their new situation, especially if they were travelling bloggers. Anyway, with the children and the commitments made (read here a mortgage), they know it would not be for them.

They are therefore thinking about taking new training or, why not, about a supplementary income that could round out the month. Teleworking would also allow them to be with their children while they’re learning from home in times of pandemic.

Domes of Elounda Autograph Collection 100

So we’ve done an overview of the possibilities for them.

Definition of telework

Although according to the experts, telework implies a remote link with an employer and excludes the self-employed worker who is not an employee, for the purposes of this article, we include it. A teleworker is a person who uses computer tools and is working online from home to earn a salary.

Suggestions for teleworking

Follow the job offers on specialized sites

Check on sites such as indeed, Jooble or Neuvoo, jobs posted for example in a call center, customer service, translation or virtual community management. If you are bilingual and have mastered a software, this could be for you.

Some teleworking offers also allow you to choose your own schedule. This is the case of a friend who keeps her afternoons free.

Simplicite Frugalite

Offer your services on Fiverr

Language tutoring, math, make-up classes, video editing, accordion and other courses. Fiverr defines itself as the world’s largest marketplace for digital services (gig).

Registering for Basic Fiverr is free and you must create an account. Learn how to show what you are doing! The customer buys your service by paying the company in advance, and the company gives you 80% of the amount after delivery of the service. Go and see, there are many proposals for teleworking.

Best small business credit cards

Use your talents

Write freelance articles if you have a good pen. In this case, you’d also be teleworking according to your availability while respecting the deadline and the criteria requested by the media. Dare to submit your idea to a paper or digital publication you like. The worst thing would be to get turned down, or not to get a reply.

I was recently able to write for a magazine for 50-plus by talking about something I’m familiar with, credit card point optimization and reward programs. But I had been shunned elsewhere for another submission. Pleasantly surprised by the cheque that came later for a single article written in my home office.

Content Writing

Manage social networks: did you know that you could get paid to create stories and write in Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter for company accounts? Perfect example of teleworking. Social network management is an art that helps recruit customers.

Understand their algorithms if you haven’t already done so, by taking a keyword training course (Fiverr offers some). Start with a small business that you believe in and offer them a trial period so they can see the benefits.

You could also use thehireups tips for finding a job on Linkedin.

The Freelancer site offers such teleworking opportunities. I’ve seen others, like voice recording. Take a look at this one from a client looking to hire a francophone:

Project consists of two tasks, collecting Voice Records and making Validation of sentences. There are 1000 phrases to record through an app in real time (auto upload) and 1 200 phrases to validate with yes or no. The 1000 phrases to record will pay 45 $ about 2.5 hours, and validation, 1 200 phrases about 3 hours, will pay 55$. The only criteria is to be Native French or German. Please don’t apply if you are not Native.

Offre sur Fiverr
Content Writing

Create and sell your products or services. Part of it involves teleworking. For example, handicraft products can be sold online.

If you have the production space as well as the necessary material to promote it with photos and videos, you will be able to join an e-commerce platform such as Etsy, Amazon, Kijiji, Craigslist, Ebay, Facebook. Experts also recommend platforms such as Shopify, or a website hosted on WordPress, Wix, Prestashop..

My niece makes beautiful cakes. Over the years, by word of mouth, but also thanks to photos posted online, she has built a clientele that asks for her services: children’s parties, retirement, Easter, wedding anniversaries. There are busy weekends, but some parts, such as the moulding of small pieces of marzipan can be done a little in advance. Finally, her promos on the Facebook account are done on weekdays, while teleworking.

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Credit cards for Self-Employed Workers

By becoming self-employed or starting your own small business, you also open the door to the possibility of subscribing to new credit cards: business credit cards.

You might even consider registering with the Registre des Entreprises du Québec, which will make it easier for you to get these credit cards. And some are free in the first year, like the BMO® AIR MILES® Business Mastercard®*.


Telework is becoming entrenched in our lives over the long term. Of course, these few suggestions for teleworking will be enhanced if you take training that can support your initiatives. You will then need to set up a small consumers business to better understand your tax rights and obligations.

Enjoy! And don’t hesitate to come and discuss this subject in the Facebook group!

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Brigitte, a retired healthcare professional and a devoted slow traveler, dedicates her free time to exploration and writing. With a love for unhurried journeys, she shares her expertise on points and miles, providing valuable insights for those looking to travel longer and immerse themselves deeply in every destination.
All posts by Brigitte

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