exists since 2002 and is intended for travelers: is partnered with several hotels in the United States and Canada. It allows customers to compare and book hotel and parking packages online.
In Canada, is available for the airports of :
In the United States, the site also works with all major airports such as : also offers packages for cruises, in the same principle:
Unfortunately, the site is only available in English.
You select the airport of departure and the dates. Then, there are 3 options for sleeping at the hotel:
Then, the results of all available hotels are displayed with price, inclusions and traveler ratings.
After comparing and selecting a hotel, parking and shuttle information is well indicated.
If everything is convenient, you can book directly with Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.
A security deposit of approximately 15% must be paid immediately. The rest is paid at the hotel upon check-in.
Please note that for Montreal and Toronto airports, the price displayed on the ParkSleepFly website is in Canadian dollars. But this security deposit will be charged to your credit card in U.S. dollars, with a 2.5% conversion fee.
To avoid this, we recommend 4 credit cards with no foreign currency conversion fees:
Then, the balance to be paid to the hotel is in the currency of the country. For example, the $462 will be paid directly to the hotel in Canadian dollars.
After booking, you must:
On the date of booking, check-in is done at the hotel as usual. The person in charge will give you information about parking the car and the shuttle bus schedule to and from the airport.
After the trip, all you have to do is confirm your departure at the hotel reception, pick up the car keys and return home.
If there is a balance due to the hotel, you must contact the hotel directly to cancel the reservation. Then you have to inform
If the rate is refundable:
After this period, the refund will be the amount of the deposit minus the service charge and, if applicable, other charges from the hotel.
If the reservation is prepaid in full with a refundable rate:
If the reservation is non-refundable: also allows you to book a room only.
When a hotel is selected, there are several options to make the stay more enjoyable.
We recommend that you read the cancellation and reservation policy carefully, for the room only.
For, the penalty is the same as reservations made for a hotel and parking package. In addition, each hotel may charge a different penalty, depending on the time and amount paid.
Again, if the reservation is made for an airport in Canada, the amount charged to the credit card will be in US dollars.
The traveler may choose one parking option only.
Then, each parking lot gives information about its characteristics and if it has a shuttle that offers transportation to the airport.
Following the same principle as the other options, the deposit is taken in US Dollars on a credit card. Then, payment for the balance must be made to the parking lot. is a great option for finding a hotel and parking all-in-one quickly. But this comes at a cost. With organization and a good credit card that avoids conversion fees, you can get a real benefit from this site.
Plus, there’s a trick to saving even more with airport parking! Don’t forget that you can use the $150 annual travel credit on your National Bank World Elite Mastercard®.
Savings are here: