This promotion, so beloved by AIR MILES Collectors in recent years, is back for a second time this fall. It’s time to get your miles in!
Thanks to this Shop the Block promotion, AIR MILES offers the opportunity to earn bonus miles by using offers from several different partners from December 4 to 18, 2024 (just in time for your last-minute Holiday shopping):
A major difference for this edition of the Shop the Block: a mile redemption counts as a purchase at a partner!
First of all, don’t forget to register for the Shop the Block: it is mandatory to earn your precious miles. Click on the Activate the offer button or on the heart.
Here are the partners:
As a reminder, here’s what counts as a partner for this promotion:
Note that a mile can be accumulated as a base mile or a bonus mile.
There’s a big difference between the 4th and 5th partner (about $55). AIR MILES probably wants to encourage its members to diversify the way they collect miles.
This is in addition to the bonus miles earned with offers and BMO credit cards affiliated with the AIR MILES program. For even more miles, even faster, combine all this with a :
With fewer AIR MILES partners than a few years ago, you might think it would be hard to get that famous 775 miles. However, it’s easy enough to take advantage of this promotion.
Here is an effective strategy to maximize your purchases and your mile collection:
*** Please note that the above table is an example of how to optimize promotion. You can just as easily replace the $5 purchase at Shell with a full tank of gas (at least 20 litres of Bronze and Silver gas for 1 AM or at least 10 litres of Premium gas for 1 AM).
Planning to buy an eSim card soon? Purchase it with Airalo (one of the most recent additions) and your Mastercard linked to your AIR MILES account. This will count as an Offer à la carte.
For a double dip: Buy $30 worth of items at Dollarama, including a bottle of ketchup (counts as 1 À la carte Offer partner) and scan your receipt (AIR MILES Receipts) for the bottle of ketchup. It’s 2 for 1!
So, for purchases you already needed to make anyway, it is possible to receive the full 775 AIR MILES. This is worth $81.
If you earn them as Cash miles, use those miles to:
And don’t forget that the AIR MILES program allows you to transfer miles between your Cash and Dream accounts.
The 775 miles from the promotion will be credited by January 25, 2025 at the latest.
Reminders for those wishing to take part in this event:
Savings are here (if you don’t see the sign-up form, please click here):