Review: American Express Centurion Lounge – San Francisco

Lounge American Express Centurion of San Francisco
Airport San Francisco International Airport
Lounge Access Method American Express Platinum Card
Country United States
City San Francisco
To the point The American Express Centurion Lounge in San Francisco (SFO) is an out-of-this-world lounge available to Platinum Card members.

On our recent trip to California, we had the opportunity to use the American Express Centurion Lounge at the San Francisco airport, a lounge that is out of the ordinary!

The American Express Centurion Lounge in San Francisco

The Carte de PlatineMD from American Express not only offers Priority Pass membership (which gives you and a guest free access to nearly 900 lounges around the world) but also access to American Express lounges.

These are few in number, and mainly present in the United States.

Here are some pictures of the American Express Centurion show in San Francisco to give you an idea!

amex sfo entrance
American Express Centurion Lounge – San Francisco – Admission
amex sfo 12
Plant wall
amex sfo 11
amex sfo 10
amex sfo 9
Bottle wall
amex sfo 8
Children’s room
amex sfo 7
Rest area
amex sfo 6
Rest area
amex sfo 5
Boarding screens
amex sfo 4
amex sfo 3
Work table
amex sfo 1
amex sfo 2

Bottom line

We really enjoyed our visit to American Express Centurion in San Francisco. The photos do not show the buffet meal in the morning which had all the characteristics of a grand hotel, as well as the glasses of “Champagne-mimosa” offered for Valentine’s Day!

It also has showers and meeting rooms.

The only cards that provide access to American Express lounges


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4.5 Milesopedia Rating
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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