This type of insurance is designed for student drivers attending high school, college or university.
To be considered a “student”, you must be 25 years old or younger. Unfortunately, student car insurance can be seen as a discount, but it’s quite the opposite. In the eyes of the insurer, you are in the “learning” phase of driving and do not have enough experience to be considered a safe driver; therefore, you do not benefit from the discounts granted to older drivers.
All insurances work on the basis of statistics and groups or events that are more likely to cause a loss and have a higher price. Unfortunately for students, you are in one of the highest risk groups when it comes to driving, which significantly increases insurance premiums.
However, students living in Manitoba or Saskatchewan do not have to pay these high prices. This is because the province in which they live does not consider age as a factor in determining the price of individual insurance.
To help you out, I would love to give you the name of an insurance company that will provide you with the best student car insurance, but they are all pretty similar, and that’s one of the things you have to deal with. But there is one piece of information I can give you. Some tips to make your insurance premiums a little more affordable.
Car insurance prices for students vary according to many variables. Below are some tips on how students can save money on auto insurance.
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