Between November 29 and December 3, 2024, AIR MILES has a Travel Event where you get significant miles back. For eligible bookings made with Dream miles via the AIR MILES Travel platform, you receive miles back!
Thus, you will receive back :
To take advantage of this offer, you must activate it.
It should be noted that the offer is not cumulative with multiple redemptions and only the highest miles redemption will be attributed. Therefore, you will need to make a single redemption in one transaction that will be worthwhile.
The eligible booking must be made for a:
Take advantage of this to buy your tickets to Walt Disney World Resort or Universal Studios!
For example, if a 5-day ticket to Disney costs you 8,042 Dream miles, you will receive 3,200 miles back. In the end, it will have cost 4,842 miles. It’s like each Dream mile has a value of 16.6 cents, which is much higher than our estimate of 10.5 cents per mile. So, you really benefit from this promotion.
Go to the AIR MILES website or your AIR MILES mobile app and look for the Travel Event offer. Then click on Opt in to this offer.
Please allow up to 120 days after the end of the promotion for the miles to be credited to your AIR MILES member account.
This offer is part of an original idea by AIR MILES to encourage members to redeem. Don’t let your miles sit idle in your account! For example, only in the city of Montreal, there would be 81 million miles just waiting to be turned into rewards. In Toronto, it’s 127 million miles.
This is a great promotion if you need to use your miles soon.
It’s time to make the most of it!
Savings are here: