A new promotion will start tomorrow.
Between January 23 and January 26, 2025, AIR MILES has 2 Flash Offers where you can redeem for miles. For eligible redemptions made with Cash or Dream miles, you get miles back!
Therefore, you’ll get:
To take advantage of these offers, you must activate them. What’s more, you can only earn one Cash AND one Dream discount per account, so a maximum of 230 bonus miles.
Eligible and most advantageous exchanges can be :
65 miles
(-32 %)
110 miles for $20 off
(-42 %)
160 miles
(-16 %)
525 Dream miles
(-27 %)
Our estimate for an AIR MILES mile is 10.5 cents per mile. So anything worth more than 10.5 cents is a real winner with this promotion.
Go to the AIR MILES website or your AIR MILES mobile app and search for the Flash Offers. Then click on Opt in to this offer.
Please allow until February 25, 2025 for your AIR MILES Collector Account to be credited.
This offer is part of an original AIR MILES ideato encourage Collectors to redeem. Don’t let your miles sit idle in your account, put them to work for you. For example, in the city of Montreal alone, there are an estimated 81 million miles just waiting to be turned into rewards. In Toronto, there are 127 million miles.
This is a great promotion if you need to use your miles soon.
It’s time to make the most of it!
Savings are here: