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Get several travel insurance quotes through our partner SoNomad:

  • Travel with peace of mind: Compare the best travel insurance coverages for comprehensive protection against unforeseen medical incidents, cancellations and baggage loss.
  • Coverage tailored to your needs: Find travel insurance tailored to your destination, length of stay and planned activities.
  • Quick and easy process: Get instant quotes and compare offers in minutes with our easy-to-use travel insurance comparator.
  • Optimum financial protection: Avoid unexpected costs with insurance policies covering emergency medical expenses, flight delays, etc.
  • Transparency and trust: Consult other travellers’ reviews and ratings to choose travel insurance with complete confidence and no surprises.

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Frequently asked questions about travel insurance

What does travel insurance generally cover in Canada?

Travel insurance in Canada generally covers emergency medical expenses, trip cancellation or interruption, lost or stolen baggage, and flight delays. Some policies may also include coverage for sports or adventure activities.

Is travel insurance mandatory when traveling abroad?

Travel insurance is not mandatory for travel abroad, but it is strongly recommended. It offers financial protection against unforeseen circumstances that may arise before or during your trip, saving you from potentially high costs.

How do I choose the right travel insurance for my needs?

To choose the right travel insurance, assess your specific needs, such as trip duration, destination, planned activities and health status. Compare insurance policies for coverage, exclusions, deductibles and reimbursement limits. Read user reviews and consult expert recommendations.

What is trip cancellation in a travel insurance policy?

Trip cancellation in a travel insurance policy covers non-refundable expenses if you have to cancel your trip for covered reasons, such as sudden illness, death in the family, or a business emergency. This can include airline tickets, hotel reservations, and prepaid tours.

How do I file a claim with my insurer if I have a medical problem abroad?

In the event of a medical problem abroad, contact your insurance company immediately for specific instructions. Keep all medical receipts and documents, including diagnoses and prescriptions. If possible, pay medical expenses with a credit card to keep a clear record of your expenses. Follow your insurer’s claims procedures upon your return to Canada to obtain reimbursement.

Where can I buy travel insurance in Canada?

You can obtain travel insurance online, over the phone or directly from your insurance broker. Take the time to compare the different travel insurance contracts before you decide, to get the best price.