SNCF Adult Advantage Card: Reviews and Recommendations

Updated Aug 21, 2024
Fact checked by
Vicky Moreau
Vicky Moreau Vicky Moreau
Canadian by birth and European at heart, Vicky now moves between France and Germany, where she settled five years ago. A lover of words and adventure, she explores new places by van or on foot, immersing herself in diverse cultures. An expert in Flying Blue and Membership Rewards programs in France, Vicky is also well-versed in French banking options, including BoursoBank.
All posts by Vicky Moreau
To the point The SNCF Adult Advantage Card is a must-have for travellers who like to take the train from time to time. But how does it work? Let's find out.

Because it allows you to get your hands on cheap train tickets (or, at any rate, less expensive), the Avantage Card offered by the SNCF is a must-have for anyone who takes the train a few times a year. The rail company currently offers three types of Avantage card, each tailored to a specific age group: young people aged 12 to 27, adults aged 27 to 59, and seniors aged 60 and over. Overview and review of the SNCF Adult Advantage Card.

Review on the SNCF Advantage Adult card - How it works and benefits

Discounts on TGV INOUI and INTERCITÉS Trains

The Adult Advantage Card offers a 30% discount on standard fares, and also includes a cap on the price of second-class travel, depending on the length of the journey.

  • For journeys of less than 1 h 30, the cost is capped at 49 euros.
  • For journeys lasting between 1 h 30 and 3 h, the cost is capped at 69 euros.
  • For journeys lasting more than 3 hours, the cost is capped at 89 euros.

It also entitles holders to a 60% discount on tickets for accompanying children (up to a limit of three children).


It’s important to note that while the Avantage card for 12-27 year olds and the Avantage card for 60+ year olds have no particular restrictions and can be used without constraint, the card for 27-59 year olds does have some limitations.

Discounts are valid for round trips including a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night. It does not apply to weekday one-way tickets, unless you are accompanied by a child aged between 4 and 11 and you have purchased his/her ticket at the same time as yours.

The SNCF Adult Advantage Card also entitles holders to a 15% discount on SNCF services such as :

  • Car rental with AVIS and Budget, for journeys in mainland France (excluding Corsica) of up to 30 days.
  • The My Baggage service, which allows passengers’ baggage to be sent to the address of their choice.
  • Onboard catering, including menu items and curated meals.
  • Junior & Cie, a service to accompany children on trains.

Discounts on TER trains

When it comes to buying a TER ticket, France is divided into two regions: those that accept the Adult Advantage Card, and those that do not. Among those who refuse it are :

  • Burgundy-Franche-Comté
  • Centre
  • Île-de-France
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Occitanie
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

In other regions, the SNCF ‘s Adult Advantage Card gives a discount of 25, 30 or 50%, depending on location.

  • Travel in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region: between 25% and 50%.
  • Travel in the Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire regions: 30%.
  • Travel in the Hauts de France and Grand Est regions: 25%.

Discounts on travel in Europe

Not only does the Adult Advantage Card entitle you to special discounts on domestic routes, it also allows you to save on certain European routes. It offers a 30% discount on travel :

  • To Germany with TGV INOUI and DB
  • To Spain with TGV INOUI France-Espagne
  • To Italy with TGV France-Italie
  • To Luxembourg and Freiburg in Breisgau with TGV INOUI
  • To Switzerland with TGV Lyria

SNCF Adult Advantage Card - Rates

In our opinion, the SNCF ‘s Adult Advantage Card is particularly attractive, not only because of its affordable price. It is available for 49 euros per year.

Subscription Rate Validity
Avantage Jeune card 49 € 1 year
Adult Advantage Card 49 € 1 year
Senior Advantage Card 49 € 1 year

Cancellation Policy

When SNCF Adult Advantage Card buy a ticket, they can exchange or cancel a journey up to 7 days before departure. If they modify or cancel a trip 6 days before departure, a deduction of 19 euros per person and per journey will be applied for all travel by TGV Inoui. For Intercités journeys, the discount will be 40% of the ticket price, with a maximum discount of 15 euros.

If you have purchased a round-trip ticket, please note that it is impossible to cancel the return ticket once the outward journey has been completed. However, it is exchangeable.

Promotions and offers

The SNCF occasionally publishes offers for the Advantage Adult card. To find out about these offers, we recommend consulting the official SNCF website directly. It is important to remain vigilant when using third-party platforms, which could be the source of fraud.

In 2023, a misleading e-mail was circulated, offering a purported discount on the Advantage card; it claimed that it was on sale for 1 euro. Several users were targeted by this scam and their data stolen.

Avantage, Liberté, Max - Comparison of SNCF cards

The Avantage card is not the only SNCF pass; the rail company offers a total of seven.

Subscriptions Rates Validity Benefits Targeted clientele
Carte Avantage Jeune | Carte Avantage Adulte | Carte Avantage Senior 49 € 1 year
  • 30% discount for you and a companion
  • 60% on tickets for 3 accompanying children
  • 15% on SNCF services
Youth, Adults and Seniors
Carte Liberté 399 €, or 379 € with a Pro contract 1-year contract
  • Business travel: fixed prices and 100% flexible tickets
  • Personal travel: 30% discount and capped prices
MAX Young Card | MAX Senior Card 79 € 1 month
  • Free tickets
  • Up to 6 reservations in advance
  • Free cancellation until departure
Youth and Seniors
MAX Active card Between €250 and €550* 1 month
  • 250 free tickets from Monday to Thursday
  • Free cancellation until departure
Professionals who travel 2 to 3 times a week
MAX Actif+ card Between €450 and €990* 1 month
  • 450 free tickets Monday to Sunday
  • Free cancellation until departure
Professionals who travel 4 to 5 times a week
National weekly package 1st | National weekly package 2nd Between €150 and €240 1 week
  • Tickets up to €1.50
  • Tickets bookable up to 2 months in advance
Frequent short-haul travellers
National monthly package 1st | National monthly package 2nd Between €550 and €1,340 1 month
  • Tickets up to €1.50
  • Tickets bookable up to 2 months in advance
Frequent short-haul travellers
Interrail Pass From €212 From 4 days to 3 months
  • For all age groups
  • Validities ranging from 4 days to 3 months
Travelers within Europe

If you only travel on weekends, it’s best to opt for the Avantage Adult pass, which offers a 30% discount for adults and a 60% discount for children on all train tickets.

If you also travel on weekdays, it might be worth taking a look at the Liberté card. It offers savings not only on business trips, but also on family getaways in the evenings and on weekends. Holders of this card can benefit from a 60% discount on their train tickets and those of their family and friends.

MAX cards are suitable for young people and senior citizens, while MAX Actif and MAX Actif+ are suitable for professionals who travel two to three times a week.

Finally, Forfait National weekly or monthly passes are ideal for people who need to travel frequently over a short period.

Lost with the varied offer? Check out our guide to the best SNCF cards according to your profile.

SNCF Adult Advantage Card - Review and Conclusion

If you only travel at weekends, the Advantage Adult card is a particularly attractive option, offering a 30% discount on train tickets for adults and a 60% discount on train tickets for children, provided that travel is scheduled for the weekend. SNCF justifies these restrictions by explaining that regular weekday travellers aged 27 to 59 are, in the majority of cases, professionals who already have specific season tickets, such as the Liberté Card.

If you also travel on weekdays, it might be worth taking a look at the Liberté Card, which offers a discount of up to 60% for weekday journeys.

Whatever subscription you choose, the SNCF offers solutions to meet a variety of travel needs, allowing you to take advantage of discounts, flexibility and additional benefits to make your journeys more enjoyable. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your needs and travel habits.

SNCF Adult Advantage Card Review - Frequently Asked Questions

What's the Best SNCF subscription?

The best train pass subscription for you depends on your age and how often you travel. If you travel a lot for work, the SNCF‘s Liberté Card is a great way to avoid the sometimes exorbitant cost of last-minute bookings. If you’re travelling with your family for personal reasons, you may be better off with the Avantage Card, which is more affordable.

What's the difference between the Advantage Adult card and the SNCF Max Actif card?

The Avantage Adult season ticket, available for 49 euros a month, offers a 30% discount on all train tickets. The Max Actif pass costs between 300 and 600 euros per month. The price is much higher, but Max Actif allows holders to travel free of charge from Monday to Thursday, with the exception of busy periods such as Monday mornings, the eve of major holidays, and long week-ends.

Does the Avantage card work on TER, Ouigo and INOUI trains?

The SNCF Adult Advantage Cardapplies to INOUI TGVs, but not to Ouigo trains. It doesn’t work on all TER trains. Regional transport authorities are responsible for setting TER fares. In the Île-de-France and Région Sud, the Advantage Adult card does not apply. The Bourgogne-Franche Comté region, on the other hand, only accepts Avantage cards for people aged 60 and over.

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Vicky Moreau
Vicky Moreau
Canadian by birth and European at heart, Vicky now moves between France and Germany, where she settled five years ago. A lover of words and adventure, she explores new places by van or on foot, immersing herself in diverse cultures. An expert in Flying Blue and Membership Rewards programs in France, Vicky is also well-versed in French banking options, including BoursoBank.
All posts by Vicky Moreau
Europe, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland
4.7 Milesopedia Rating

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