Discover our comprehensive hotel rating system, designed to guide travellers in selecting the perfect accommodation. Each rating, from 1 to 10, reflects quality, service, and amenities, ensuring an informed choice for every guest. Explore how we evaluate hotels to enhance your travel.
At Milesopedia, we have opted for a hotel rating system on a scale of 1 to 10 to provide an accurate and nuanced assessment of each establishment. This document explains why this system is the most suitable for our evaluations and how it is implemented.
We believe that a rating scale from 1 to 10 is more accurate and informative than a traditional 5-star system. It allows us to better differentiate the quality of the various aspects of a hotel experience.
For example, in a 5-star system, it’s difficult to distinguish between a hotel that really deserves 4 stars and one that is slightly inferior but still above average.
With a scale from 1 to 10, we can differentiate between scores such as 7.5 and 8.5, offering travellers a more detailed and transparent assessment.
Each hotel is evaluated on a series of specific criteria, including:
For each criterion, we assign a score from 1 to 10, then calculate an overall average that represents the hotel’s overall quality. This system gives a complete picture of the experience you can expect. In addition, we provide detailed comments explaining each establishment’s strengths and areas for improvement.
The 10-point rating scale helps you make more informed decisions based on your individual preferences.
If a particular criterion is important to you, such as comfort or location, you can easily identify the hotels that stand out in these categories. This level of precision makes it easier to compare establishments and find the one that best meets your expectations.
It’s important to note that reviews always reflect an element of subjectivity on the part of the author. Each traveller has different expectations and preferences, which can influence the rating given.
For example, a reviewer who favours a central location may place more importance on this criterion, while another will focus more on room comfort.
If you like a particular author’s review we recommend you check out their other reviews to get a consistent perspective tailored to your tastes.
In addition, certain external circumstances can influence an assessment, even if they are not directly related to the quality of the hotel.
For example, a late arrival, transport strikes or bad weather can affect the overall experience of a stay, and consequently the final rating.
We do our best to clarify these circumstances in our comments, so that you can better interpret the rating given.
We evaluate each hotel after we’ve stayed there, paying particular attention to every aspect of the experience. Our reviews are objective and transparent, aiming to provide you with reliable and relevant information for planning your travels.
Feel free to read our reviews and share your comments to enrich Milesopedia’s community of travellers!
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