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InfoBref: the daily newsletter to keep you up to date!

To the point Here's my review of InfoBref, the free daily newsletter that allows you to stay on top of current events, even when traveling!

COVID-19, war in Ukraine, stock markets, truckers’ movement in Ottawa, inflation: the news is particularly dense. And very often, we are drowned in this uninterrupted flow of news: our very busy schedules make it impossible to follow the news via the traditional press or television.

Traveling a lot for my work, I don’t have time to follow everything. This is where I discovered
following the recommendation of my friend Youcef Ghellache, Founder of Educfinance and the Money Never Sleeps community. He too is a professional with a busy schedule!

is the essential Business, Politics and Techno news in 10 minutes a day with a Quebec perspective. By subscribing, you will receive two free daily newsletters:

  • one in the morning, which can be read in 5 minutes
  • one at 4pm that reads in 2 minutes
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What I like about the InfoBref newsletter is the way the news is presented.

There is always an important news item covered in the first part. Then follows a flurry of news. And finally the political and techno news.

Bold text allows you to quickly read each news, free to continue reading or to move to the next.

infobref nouvelles

In addition, on weekends,InfoBref‘s editor-in-chief, Patrick Pierra, will send you a more complete newsletter with news and features:

  • Advice for your FINANCES by Fabien Major
  • Best TECHNO products by Alain McKenna
  • The WORLD in questions by Johanna Sabys
  • Monthly Stock Market Report by Anthony Ménard
  • Tips to SAVE money by Aline Nguyen (Milesopedia)
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Yes, you read that right: as of March 19, 2022, Milesopedia will present on InfoBref a column entitled ” Tips to SAVE ” written byAline. She will share everyday tips on how to save money, but also on loyalty programs, credit cards and travel!

One more reason to subscribe to the InfoBref newsletter to receive this column as well!

Like any newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe at any time. But believe me, you won’t! I have been a subscriber for several months now: the content is relevant with sources verified by journalists.

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4.1 Milesopedia Rating
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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