Fizz, the new mobile operator for travelers and with loyalty program!

Fizz is a new mobile operator that is particularly interesting for travelers… and it has a loyalty program!

Fizz, what is it?

Fizz is a new mobile operator available to people living in Quebec and the Ottawa area. The main difference with other operators: everything is done online and you decide exactly what services you really want!

fizz home site

Fizz does not offer plans with devices: it is therefore aimed at those who come with their own device(BYOD: Bring Your Own Device). And most importantly: there is no long-term contract.

In fact, it is Videotron that is behind this new operator.

fizz benefizz

The mobile network

Fizz relies on Videotron’s mobile network in Quebec and the Ottawa region.

Everywhere else, this will rely on national (e.g. Rogers) and international (e.g. Bell / T-Mobile in the US) mobile roaming partners.

You can check the coverage in your area here.

If you want to subscribe to Fizz, you can get a $25 credit by using our referral code: OHQDI !

A launch period

After a “beta testing” period, Fizz is currently in a launch period until December 19, 2018. This is an opportunity to embark with very competitive rates that will be maintained afterwards!

fizz launch price

The rates

We have compiled the available rates as of November 23, 2018. The big advantage of Fizz: everything is “à la carte”! You can tailor the package to your lifestyle!

The data

The “nerve of the war”: data. Here you have the choice to get between 0 GB and 20 GB per month. Here are the rates per tier:

Data Fees Difference
0 go $0
1 go 7$ +7$
2 go 9$ +2$
4 go 15$ +6$
6 go 18$ +3$
8 go $20 +2$
10 go 24$ +4$
12 go 29$ +5$
14 go 34$ +5$
16 go 39$ +5$
18 go 44$ +5$
20 go 49$ +5$

As you can see, the difference between each level is … different.

For our use, the most interesting was 8 Gb: going from 6 to 8 Gb added only 2$ / month while going from 8 Gb to 10 Gb would cost 4$ / month more.

Especially since it is possible:

  • transfer data from one account to another! It’s perfect in a family!

fizz give data 1

  • to transfer unused data from one month to the next: a great novelty!

fizz data transfer 2

Other options

Then, it is possible to activate or not all these options.

Options Fees
Outgoing text messages
(incoming = free)
Unlimited calls 6$
Area of use
Area of use
Area of use
Canada – USA
Voice Mail
10 messages
International long distance calls
by selected country

The area of use

Basically, you can use your package in Quebec.

If you want to use it everywhere in Canada, you will have to add 2$ / month. And if you want to use it also in the United States, it will cost 6$ / month!

And this is what completely convinced us about Fizz: 6$ per month to have a package that can be used anywhere in Canada and the United States! While currently, most “Everywhere at home” offers of the competition start at 5 – 7$ / day!

Snowbirds should be delighted… and so should frequent travelers to our southern neighbors!

International long distance calls

For people who regularly call family abroad, it can be interesting to subscribe to this option. You can only choose one country, and the minutes granted will depend on the country.

For France, it is for example 250 minutes while for China it is 1,000 minutes per month.

Data abroad

It is also possible to occasionally purchase data for use abroad.

The rates will depend on the area of use, here are some examples:

  • In Europe (here in France):

fizz france

  • In Asia (here in Japan):

fizz japan

  • In Latin America (here in Mexico)

fizz mexico

This perfectly meets the needs of travelers: $5 for 1 GB of data in Europe is very reasonable compared to the competition!

If you want to subscribe to Fizz, you can get a $25 credit by using our referral code: OHQDI!

Fizz, our experience

Before you can choose a package, you need to order a SIM card.

We ordered 2 SIM cards at the same time. The cost is 5$ / card. Delivery is free within 2 days… but you can have it delivered the same day to your home for $5!

Due to the Canada Post strike, we chose this option and received our SIM cards by carrier in 1 hour (we live in downtown Montreal).

Please note: to use Fizz services, you need a compatible device. For example, if you have an iPhone, you will need a 5S or newer model.
See the list here

Ordering a SIM card

When ordering the SIM card, you have the possibility to add a reference / sponsorship code:

  • You will get a $25 credit on your account on your 2nd bill
  • The sponsor will also get a $25 credit on their account on your 2nd bill

Our referral code is OHQDI!

fizz reference sim

Activation of the SIM card

Once you have received your SIM card, you will need to activate it.

fizz activation

If you wish to transfer your current phone number to Fizz, you will need to provide various information:

fizz transfer

The easiest way is to indicate the IMEI number which you can obtain directly from your current phone by dialing *#06#.

fizz insertion sim

The choice of the package

Then, you can build your package so that it fits you perfectly!

fizz package 1 fizz package 2 fizz package 3


If you did not enter a referral code when ordering your SIM card, there is still time to do so!

Our referral code is OHQDI! It will give you a $25 credit on your second bill.

Remember to click on the green arrow to validate the code (a green banner will be displayed at the top of the screen to confirm the correct entry of the code).

total fizz and sponsorship confirmed


Since we travel frequently to the United States, Jean-Maximilien and I have each chosen the CANADA + USA option: we will both be able to use our package anywhere in Canada and the United States.

fizz summary

This is my package:

  • 8 GB / month of data
  • Unlimited texting
  • Unlimited calls
  • Canada + USA coverage
  • Voice box

Cost: 46$ per month (53.41$ with taxes + 911). Unbeatable!

Payment is possible by credit card Visa / Mastercard. Not American Express though 🙁

If you want to subscribe to Fizz, you can get a $25 credit by using our referral code: OHQDI!

The loyalty program

Fizz integrates a loyalty program.

fizz rewards program 3


You can unlock badges and rewards based on your activity.

fizz rewards

It is always interesting to receive mobile data as a gift… data that you can give to one of your contacts!

fizz rewards 1

Contact management

Fizz allows you to add contacts to your account: this will allow you to send them gifts like… data! It is very practical for a family or friends for example!

fizz contacts


So there is a very interesting sponsorship system:

  • 25 credit for the referral (obtained on the 2nd invoice)
  • 25 credit for the sponsor (obtained when the sponsored child has paid his/her 2nd bill)

To obtain a referral code, you must be a Fizz customer. The sponsorship will be available 24 hours after the transfer of the line to Fizz.

If you want to subscribe to Fizz, you can get a $25 credit by using our referral code: OHQDI!

Bottom Line

Fizz is “refreshing” in this world of mobile operators who keep raising their rates and forcing us into options we don’t necessarily want.

We took the step for 4 reasons:

  • The low cost of the Canada – USA option: $6 per month, a bargain compared to the $7 per day charged by our former operator, Fido.
  • The ability to purchase data blocks by travel zone: particularly useful when traveling in several countries like Europe!
  • The transfer of data to whoever you want: Jean-Maximilien is a bigger user of data than I am, so I could regularly transfer it to him if needed!
  • Data transfer from one month to the next: to my knowledge, no other operator does this. After all, you pay each month to have a certain amount of data: you paid for it, so why not have access to it the next month!

We look forward to testing our package on our next trip to the UAE and future travels to the US!

If you want to subscribe to Fizz, you can get a $25 credit by using our referral code: OHQDI!

Come to discuss that topic in our Facebook Group!
4.6 Milesopedia Rating
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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