EQ Bank is an entity of Equitable Bank, a financial institution with over 50 years of experience.
EQ Bank has no physical headquarters, and its financial activities are conducted online. These savings on rental fees enable EQ Bank to offer a variety of financial products with excellent interest rates to all Canadians, includingQuebec !
EQ Bank offers top-notch collateral, and all deposit products are eligible for CDIC deposit insurance.
The EQ Bank mobile application is available on the App Store and Google Play.
The EQ Bank Personal Account (formerly known as the Savings Plus Account) is a no-fee account that offers a generous 4.00%* interest rate to all customers on everyday banking services:
This account also offers several free features, such as:
Finally, there is no minimum balance required for this type of account.
The EQ Bank Joint Account offers customers an interest rate of up to 4.00%*. To receive the bonus interest rate, you must use this account to receive direct deposit of your pay.
The advantages of this financial product are the same as those of the savings account, while many free financial services are offered to customers:
It’s also important to specify that you need to meet a few criteria to benefit from the advantages of this account for your daily transactions. These are the criteria:
You can add up to 3 people to your EQ Bank Joint Account.
The EQ Bank TFSA Savings Account offers an interest rate of 2.00%*. There are no management fees associated with this account.
The free features are the same as the two previous accounts.
Don’t forget that there are annual contribution limits for the TFSA ($6,500 in 2023, $7,000 in 2024).
It is also possible to purchase GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates) for your TFSA.
Guaranteed investment certificates are safe, low-risk investments with stable returns. It should be noted, however, that once the monetary sum has been deposited in this account, it must be maintained until the end of the GIC term, otherwise you will be subject to penalties.
EQ Bank offers a wide range of Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs).
Note that it is possible to invest cash in both registered (TFSA at Quebec and TFSA/RRSP elsewhere in Canada) and non-registered accounts.
The terms of this financial vehicle are highly flexible, since Banque EQ offers no fewer than 13 different options. Interest rates are also attractive. GIC rates and terms vary, so check the EQ Bank website for the latest information.
A minimum deposit of $100 is required to purchase GICs. Finally, it is important to note that users will benefit from Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation protection when purchasing guaranteed investment certificates with EQ.
EQ Bank offers a Notice Savings Account.
This savings account offers you one of the best rates in Canada. You can take advantage of a rate of 3.05% with 10 days’ notice or 3.00% with 30 days’ notice, with no monthly fees and no minimum balance required.
You can earn interest daily and plan your withdrawals to maximize your savings while having the flexibility to access your money at any time.
You benefit from a return up to three times higher than that of other banks, with no pitfalls and no special conditions.
Banque EQ also offers a prepaid card: the EQ Bank Card. EQ Bank Card.
With the EQ Bank Card you get :
Where it stands out is with its attractive interest rate of up to 4.00%, the same as on the Current Account, which is applied to the card balance until it is spent.
Please note that EQ Bank does not currently offer the following products at Quebec:
The arrival of the EQ Bank for residents of Quebec is great news! This adds competition to our banking market by offering attractive products with no monthly fees, along with its digital banking services. Both to use your money and to save it.
Do you want to open an account with EQ Bank? It’s easy, click on one of the links below and open your account in a few clicks:
Legal notice:
*Interest is calculated daily on the total closing balance and paid monthly. Annual rates are subject to change without notice.
◊ Based on the results of research conducted by Equitable Banking to compare interest rates on high-interest savings accounts at the five major Canadian banks. Rates were compared using ratio analysis. The research considered interest rates for high-interest savings accounts based on data collected from publicly accessible websites as of October 3, 2022. Promotions and premium rates are not included.
®Registered trademark of Interac Corp, used under license.
The EQ Bank credit card is the EQ Bank Card.
You can see all its features and how its cashback works on this page.
By phone, toll-free in North America: 1-844-437-2265
Or if you’re outside North America: 1-416-551-3449
The address of the EQ Bank is :
EQ Bank – Digital Banking30 St. Clair Avenue West, Suite 700,Toronto, ON M4V 3A1
Equitable Bank, with its lending services and investment solutions, owns EQ Bank, a digital bank in Canada.
Savings are here: