thank you milesopedia

milesopedia’s history from 2015 to today

To the point milesopedia has been around since May 2015. Discover the history of a small and unknown blog that became a big and recognized site in a few years!

This article is part of our series of articles related to the launch of the new site:

milesopedia History

At the origin of milesopedia, in May 2015, a simple observation: there was no French-speaking content in Canada on loyalty programs, credit cards and travel hacking.

Being recognized by my friends as “the group’s expert” on the subject, I decided to start writing to share my tips & tricks with as many people as possible.

metro montreal jmv

September 2015: discovery of the general public

In September 2015, I was happy to welcome 500 readers a month to the little unknown blog that was milesopedia.

A first publication in the newspaper Les Affaires – Devenez un chasseur de milles, an article by journalist Claudine Hébert – allowed milesopedia to be discovered by the French-speaking public.

les affaires 2015

This publication, in a newspaper as serious as Les Affaires, was the starting point of a great adventure.

From the beginning, milesopedia has been known for its educational approach to areas that may appear complex at first glance, such as points, miles or managing credit card welcome bonuses.

At that time, I took several months of parental leave while Audrey continued her work as a pharmacist.

Indeed, at the same time as milesopedia was born our daughter Alexandra.

I had deluded myself that between 2 bottles and 2 diapers, I would have time to develop this “hobby”.

jm et alex

It is at this precise moment that the conciliation“Family-Blog” began: why not include my personal life to share it with the greatest number of people who surely live identical situations?

So one of our first trips told on milesopedia was a trip to Western Canada in the Vancouver area.

And of course, that’s when I realized what it was like to be a“travel blogger“.

milesopedia ile vancouver

Winter 2015-2016: Writing

During the winter of 2015-2016, instead of “savoring” outdoor outings with a baby under 6 months old, I kept writing, writing, writing.

The magic of loyalty programs is that they are always evolving. So there are countless topics to cover, and not enough 2 hands to cover them.

So, one of my readers offered to give me a hand, in the person of Matthew.

jm et matthieu

Both #avgeeks (addicted to aeronautics), and he more “technophile” in computer than me, we shared our passion by writing together on milesopedia.

In order to accelerate the growth of milesopedia, we decided to form the facebook group“Travel free (or almost…!) with points & miles – milesopedia” in April 2016.

April 2016: the facebook group

Initially made up of a few hundred friends, some “unknowns” joined. These people were readers since the beginning of the site, but were “anonymous”.

Jean-Francois, André, Dany, Caroline, Andréanne, Mario, Murielle, Suzanne… All people who will recognize themselves!

Beginners in points & miles, and who are now identified in the community as experts or“seniors” as the newcomers call them!

The group now has nearly 4,500 members,“addicted to milesopedia“.

soirée Improvisée montreal

It is also during this period that another strong man came to support me in the development of milesopedia in the person of Jean-Francois, reader of the first hour.

Jean-Francois is an expert in the banking industry, and a marketing specialist. He is recognized by the members for the quality of his answers and for his ability to popularize topics as specialized as the credit file.

He also shares his travel experiences on milesopedia.

jm et jf

2016-2018: Cruising Altitude

During this period, articles continue to be published at a steady pace.

It is also at this time that:

  • I have resumed my professional activity
  • we had our second child, Arthur, and this time Audrey took the full parental leave.

At the end of 2018, more than 900 articles were available for viewing on milesopedia.

And one recurring question kept coming up:

I searched milesopedia… but couldn’t find it.

A big challenge for a “small blog” that is now the size of a “big site”.

It was also a big challenge for me to reconcile:

  • Family
  • Work
  • Blog
  • Facebook group

So that’s when I decided to take the plunge.

The big jump

I chose to say goodbye to a comfortable job in a company where I saw great prospects for development, to devote myself fully to the development of a hobby: milesopedia.

So I went from a “9 to 17” job to building my business “6 to 23”. What we call… entrepreneurship.

I was able to afford this in part because of the growth in milesopedia income, but mostly because Audrey provides financial stability for the family through her full-time job.

And it’s also thanks to the unconditional support of the milesopedia community sending us postcards Thank you milesopedia, from all over the world!

Maryse Boulanger Temple Semso Ji Tokyo

With a special mention to Brigitte who has been leading the milesopedia community for several months so that everyone has a place: from the beginner to the expert!

Thank you to her for being there, especially when the community is particularly active during the miles questions!


It was at that moment that I decided to respond to a crying need: to modernize the site.

Because milesopedia was no longer an unknown blog… but a recognized site. The proof is in all our media appearances, on subjects as serious as Air Canada’s takeover of Aeroplan and as didactic as using your points & miles to save a lot of money.

Modernizing milesopedia… this began with a new logo.


First observation. milesopedia is known for:

  • its seriousness
  • its writing quality
  • its quality content without unwanted advertising
  • its dedicated team

Media as serious as Protégez-Vous, Les Affaires, La Presse, Radio Canada or LCN say so… as does our community.

Second finding. Our community often asks us the same questions:

  • Which card should I buy?
  • Where to go with my points?
  • Which program to use?
  • What is the impact on the credit file?
  • Does my insurance cover my trip?
  • Could you help me put together a game plan?

This is how we came up with the idea of the“compass“.

RGB compass

This instrument is used to direct, guide and help people looking for their way.

More than an “encyclopedia” of miles, milesopedia had become the reference site in Canada on:

  • loyalty programs
  • credit cards
  • travel news
  • travel hacking

A new website

During the winter of 2018-2019, milesopedia, supported by the Carousel team, built up a new website.

This site that you are currently browsing marks the starting point of a new adventure.

Consult in this article the detailed presentation of the site’s functioning

forums milesopedia
Come to discuss that topic in our Facebook Group!
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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