concours air miles — chances

AIR MILES Contest: 30 Chances To Fly

To the point For 30 days, AIR MILES is offering you the chance to enter its 30 Chances To Fly Contest! Find out how.

30 free flights in 30 days

From January 9 to February 7, 2020, AIR MILES is offering you the chance to participate in its contest:
30 chances to fly


To enter this contest, simply use your AIR MILES card at a participating partner. Each eligible use of your card gives you a chance to win prizes in these two categories:

  • 1 of 30 daily prizes of $5,000 in air travel vouchers
  • A $25,000 grand prize of an air travel voucher

These prices are valid for tickets booked with certain airline partners and there is a limit of one daily price per member number.

Here are the participating AIR MILES partners:

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Here is the list of participating partners by province:

  • Quebec :

Jean Coutu, Shell, Staples, The Children’s Place, IGA, IGA Express, Rachelle Béry, Les Marchés Tradition

  • Ontario (excluding Thunder Bay area*) :

Metro, Jean Coutu, Shell, Rexall Pharma Plus, Staples, Sobeys Urban Fresh, Sobeys, Foodland, Lowes, The Children’s Place

  • Atlantic Provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia) :

Kent, Irving Oil, Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (Nova Scotia only), Shell, Lawtons Drugs, Staples, Sobeys, Foodland and participating CO-OPs, Lowes, The Children’s Place, Jean Coutu (New Brunswick only), Les Marchés Tradition (New Brunswick only) and IGA (New Brunswick only)

  • British Columbia/Yukon :

Safeway Pharmacy, Safeway, Shell, Rexall Drugstore, Staples, Thrifty Foods, Sobeys, Lowes, The Children’s Place, IGA

  • Alberta:

Safeway Pharmacy, Safeway, Shell, Rexall Drugstore, The Children’s Place, Staples, Sobeys, Sobeys Liquor, Safeway Wine and Spirits, Lowes, IGA

  • Saskatchewan:

Safeway Pharmacy, Safeway, Shell, Rexall Drugstore, The Children’s Place, Staples, Sobeys, Lowes, IGA

  • Manitoba/Thunder Bay Region* (as defined below)/Northwest Territories/Nunavut :

Safeway Pharmacy, Safeway, Shell, Rexall Drugstore, The Children’s Place, Staples, Sobeys, Lowes, IGA, Manitoba Liquor Mart

* The Thunder Bay region is defined as: That part of Ontario that includes (i) the District of Thunder Bay, (ii) Kenora District, (iii) that portion of the District of Algoma lying west of Highway 631; and iv) the greater White River and Hornepayne metropolitan area.

The official rules of the contest can be found on this page.

Only AIR MILES card use at participating partners is eligible. Use of AIR MILES credit cards will not be counted.

Don't miss this offer!

The BMO® AIR MILES® World Elite®* Mastercard®* has an excellent welcome offer right now:

  • First-year free (instead of $120)
  • A welcome offer of 3,000 bonus miles
  • Two annual complimentary passes to VIP airport lounges

And if you prefer not to pay any annual fees, it’s easy to get up to 800 miles with these cards:

Bottom Line

Simply present your AIR MILES card regularly at participating partners to increase your chances of being drawn for this contest! Something to – eventually – reward your loyalty 😉

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Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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