
A Global Interactive COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map

To the point The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has an interactive COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map.

A Global Interactive COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map

The International Air Transport Association(IATA), located in Montreal, is the trade association for the world’s airlines.

As such, especially in this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, IATA helps airlines by providing them data on country travel regulations.

For example, airlines can adjust their planning between destinations, as we have recently seen with Air France or Air Canada.


IATA has just released an interactive map to find out more about travel regulations, according to three levels:

  • Totally Restrictive
  • Partially Restrictive
  • No regulations related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) implemented

You have to click on each country to get accurate and regularly updated information. Here is the case for France, for example:


Of course, you have to use this map for information purposes only.

Until the Government of Canada lifts its official global travel advisory, it is not suggested to travel outside the country.

Avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice.

Government of Canada


  • you may have difficulty obtaining essential products and services
  • you may face strict movement restrictions and quarantines
  • your insurance may not cover your travel or medical expenses
  • consular services may be limited
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Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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