Aeroplan Stopover

Aeroplan to make changes to its flight reward chart

To the point Aeroplan will adjust its flight reward chart effective September 1, 2022. Here are all the changes you need to know.

The new Aeroplan program was launched almost two years ago. Since then, the aeronautical landscape has changed significantly due to COVID-19: sometimes devastated with grounded aircraft, sometimes congested due to the Revenge Travel phenomenon. Added to this are the inflationary context and the airline’s exploding fuel costs.

All the conditions are thus met to see the rewards programs adjust their charts. The following are the changes to the Aeroplan flight reward chart coming on September 1, 2022.

This article will be updated regularly.

Changes to the Aeroplan Flight Reward Chart

North America - Atlantic

As a reminder, here is the current flight reward chard for this zone:

aeroplan – grille – amerique nord – atlantique

Here are the changes that will affect this area as of September 1, 2022:

Distance Flights Business First
6 001 – 8 000 Partners 90 000 130 000
    (+ 5 000) (+ 10 000)
8 001 + Partners 110 000 140 000
    (+ 10 000) (+ 10 000)
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These changes will mainly affect flights from the West Coast of Canada or the United States to Europe. And they only affect business and first class.

North America - Pacific

As a reminder, here is the current flight reward chard for this zone:

aeroplan – grille – amerique nord – pacifique

Here are the changes that will affect this area as of September 1, 2022:

Distance Flights Business First
7 501 – 11 000 Partners 87 500
    (+ 2 500)
11 001 + Partners 115 000 150 000
    (+ 10 000) (+ 10 000)
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These changes will primarily affect flights from the East Coast of Canada or the United States to Asia. And they only affect business and first class.

North America - South America

As a reminder, here is the current flight reward chard for this zone:

aeroplan – grille – amerique nord – amerique sud

Here are the changes that will affect this area as of September 1, 2022. This is a creation of a 0-2,500 distance band with reduced pricing, in addition to the 2,501-4,500 mile band:

Distance Flights Economy Premium Economy Business First
0 – 2 500 Air Canada 25 000 – 50 000 30 000 – 65 000 40 000 – 75 000 50 000 – 100 000
  Partner 20 000 40 000 50 000
    (- 10 000)   (- 10 000) (- 10 000)
2 501 – 4 500 Air Canada 30 000 – 60 000 45 000 – 125 000 50 000 – 175 000 80 000 – 200 000
  Partner 30 000   50 000 80 000
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Here, Aeroplan has subdivided the old 0-4,500 mile band by adding a new 0-2,500 band. This makes these flights more accessible than before.

Atlantic - Pacific

As a reminder, here is the current flight reward chard for this zone:

aeroplan – grille – atlantique – pacifique

Here are the changes that will affect this area as of September 1, 2022. It is a creation of a band from 0 to 2,500 with reduced pricing, in addition to the other bands:

Distance Flights Economy Premium Economy Business First
0 – 2 500 Air Canada 25 000 – 50 000 30 000 – 65 000 40 000 – 75 000 50 000 – 100 000
  Partner 25 000 40 000 50 000
    (- 15 000)   (- 20 000) (- 30 000)
2 501 – 5 000 Air Canada 50 000 – 75 000
5 001 – 7 000 Air Canada 65 000 – 80 000
7 001 + Air Canada 80 000 – 110 000
  Partner 65 000 110 000 140 000
    (+ 5 000)   (+ 10 000) (+ 10 000)
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Here, Aeroplan has subdivided the old 0-5,000 mile band by adding a new 0-2,500 band. This makes these flights more accessible than before: from 25,000 points instead of 40,000 points in economy class (partner).

As far as increases are concerned, these only apply to long flights, especially in business and first class.

South America

As a reminder, here is the current flight reward chard for this zone:

aeroplan – grille – amerique sud

Here are the changes that will affect this area as of September 1, 2022. This is a creation of a band of 0 to 1,600 with reduced pricing, and a new band of 1,601 miles and above :

Distance Flights Economy Business First
0 – 1 600 Partner 10 000 20 000 30 000
    (- 5 000) (- 10 000) (- 20 000)
1 601 + Partner 20 000 35 000 50 000
    (+ 5 000) (+ 5 000)
Our Comment

Here, Aeroplan has subdivided the old zone that encompassed all of South America by adding a new band from 0 to 1,600. This makes these flights more accessible than before: from 10,000 points instead of 15,000 points in economy class (partner).

However, if your trip is longer than 1,601 miles, it will cost you 5,000 more points than before.


These are the first changes Aeroplan has made since the new program launched in November 2020. These remain relatively contained and go in both directions: the rising fares impact mainly long flights in business and first class, while the decreasing fares are due to the creation of new shorter bands within a zone.

As always: there will be winners and losers with these changes. Let’s hope they don’t call for more soon!

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Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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