American Express Canada introduces Customer Service by Chat!

Updated Aug 31, 2024
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Frederic, an active member of the facebook group, noticed that American Express had just introduced customer service via chat! Full details.

Enhanced customer service with American Express

What could be more annoying than having to call our credit card issuer for a question that could be answered in 2 minutes in our online account?

While some issuers have set up private messaging systems, others are going further, such as American Express, which has just introduced two new services for its customers:

  • Chat communication
  • co-browsing

Chat with American Express

Now you can communicate instantly with an American Express customer service agent, right from your online account!

To do this, simply go to the “Join Us” area:

contact us amex

Then click on the Chat icon at the bottom right of your screen:

contact us amex chat


You will then be able to browse through your online account and the chat conversation will follow!

I tested the service by asking several questions like:

And each time I got answers to these questions.

It remains to be seen if it is possible to cancel a card by this way 🙂

The co-browsing service with American Express

American Express also offers a“Co-Navigation / Co-Browsing” service that allows you to share your screen with a customer service agent!

contact us amex co navigation

This is especially handy for finding your way around the site (especially for finding the page related to enrollment in American Express Platinum Card® benefits!

registration advantages amex platinum
Registering to the benefits offered by the American Express Platinum Card

Bottom Line

Clearly, American Express is taking this to heart (which should relieve some of the clutter on their telephone customer service lines).

For your information, here is the survey that American Express asks you to complete at the end of the chat:

1. Overall, how would you rate the service you received in this chat session with American Express?*

2. Based on your recent service experience, how likely would you be to recommend American Express to a friend or colleague? Please use a scale where “10” means “Extremely likely” and “1” means “Extremely unlikely “*.
Select an item from the list
10 = Extremely likely
1 = Extremely unlikely
3. What was the main reason for chatting with us today?*
4. How would you rate the customer service specialist in terms of a. his knowledge?*
Select an item from the list
Very good
b. the clarity of his words?*
Select an item from the list
Very good
c. Its response time?
Select an item from the list
Very good
d. His willingness to help?*
Select an item from the list
Very good
5. How many times have you chatted with American Express to process your application? *
Select an item from the list
Four or more
My application is still not processed
I don’t remember it
6. If you hadn’t chatted with us today, what would you have done?

Come to discuss that topic in our Facebook Group!
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien, President and Founder of Milesopedia, is a recognized expert in rewards programs, credit cards, and travel in Canada and France. Approaching forty and a father of two, he has travelled to over 100 countries, half of them with his children and his wife, Audrey. Specializing in top loyalty programs like Aeroplan, American Express Membership Rewards, and Marriott Bonvoy, he guides travellers to maximize their benefits across North America and Europe.
All posts by Jean-Maximilien Voisine

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