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YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport changes colors!

YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport – which will soon be welcoming more than 20 million passengers per year – has just changed its logo and colors. Find out more about it!

A new visual identity for YUL

As of today, Montréal-Trudeau becomes YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, a destination brand powered by ADM Aéroports de Montréal!

We change colors to proudly affirm our “
“This is our very own charm, unique in the world.

Here is the new logo unveiled by YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport:

yul logo

This logo is reminiscent of Tourisme Montréal’s logo, in its “Montréal” version with the emphasis… on the emphasis!

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3 brands: YUL / YMX / ADM

Aéroports de Montréal is taking advantage of this opportunity to set in stone 3 trademarks with the same visual identity:

complete yul logo

  • YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport
    • The destination brand that defines thepassenger experience
    • “YUL”, the IATA code for Montréal-Trudeau, is now the symbol of a welcoming, friendly and entertaining airport experience, just like Montrealers

ymx logo

  • YMX Aérocité internationale de Mirabel
    • The destination brand that defines thebusiness experience
    • “YMX”, Mirabel’s IATA code, and the new “Aerocity” designation are becoming synonymous with a stimulating business location that fosters exchanges and collaboration between resident companies in the aeronautical sector. More than 5,000 aeronautics experts work there.

adm logo

  • ADM Aéroports de Montréal
    • The endorser brand that powers both destination brands
    • Maintains its vocation as an airport manager and ensures, in a context of sustainable development, the development of the group’s expertise, as well as its operational and financial health.

Credit – Cover photo: Hussein Abdallah

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Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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