The family and friends account of British Airways Executive Club

Updated May 31, 2024
Fact checked by
Alexandrine Bertrand
Alexandrine Bertrand Alexandrine Bertrand
An avid solo traveller, Alexandrine is an expert on loyalty programmes such as Aeroplan, Avios, AIR MILES, Flying Blue and Marriott Bonvoy. With a budget-conscious approach, she helps travellers make the most of their points and miles to experience affordable, off-the-beaten-path getaways. She also shares a love of gastronomy and enjoys exploring local flavours and culinary traditions.
All posts by Alexandrine Bertrand
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To the point The British Airways Executive Club loyalty program offers a very interesting advantage: the family and friends account which can have up to 12 people! Explanations.

All about the British Airways Executive Club family and friends account

There are three components to know about your British Airways Executive Club Household Account:

  • My family account (7 people)
  • My family and friends (5 people)
  • My travel companions

My British Airways Executive Club Household Account

British Airways Executive Club allows you to create a household account in which up to 7 British Airways Executive Club members (including you) can pool their Avios miles.

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You will be able to group your partner/spouse into your account, but also your children. By creating this account, you will become“The Head of Household”.

This is particularly interesting for casual travellers: let’s say that a family takes a long-haul flight with a Oneworld airline like British Airways. Family members will earn Avios miles on their individual British Airways Executive Club accounts. Individually, it will be few miles and that will be dispersed.

On the other hand, by putting them all together in a family account, it can be closer to a Reward flight ticket for at least one person!

The main requirement: all Household Account members must permanently reside at the same residential address

How to create a British Airways Executive Club Household account

To create a British Airways Executive Club Household Account,visit this page. It is important for your family to designate “the head of Household “: this person will have to complete the registration.

Once the account is created, the head of the Household will invite the other members who will each receive an email asking if they would like to join the Household account.

The pros and cons of the Household Account

In addition to being able to use Avios miles in common, the family account has other advantages… but has some drawbacks.

  • Benefits:
    • Bringing all family members together in one account allows you to make bookings easier online… and on the phone
    • To keep active Avios miles in the account, there will have to be an activity in any Avios account of family members over a 36-month period.
  • Disadvantages:
    • it is only possible to change your household account address every 6 months
    • Once a person with a British Airways Executive Club account joins a household account, they can no longer book an airfare ONLY for them or a household account member. It is therefore impossible for him to book a ticket for someone else (but there is a way around this through the “Friends” form).
    • If you wish to transfer Avios miles from the British Airways Executive Club Program to Iberia Plus, you will not be able to do so by being a member of a household account

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The collection of Avios miles when booking

When using Avios miles from the household account, it’s not possible to choose which account to take the miles from!

The debit is proportional depending on the different balances available on each account. Thus, for a flight reward worth 10,000 miles, the debit will be done in this way:

Account 1 Account 2 Account 3
miles Avios available in the account 50 000 30 000 20 000
miles Avios taken 5 000 3 000 2 000

If you want friends to join your account – and therefore don’t have the same address – then it will be worth adding them through the“My family and friends”option.

My family and friends at British Airways Executive Club

The head of the household can create and manage the list “Family and Friends”.

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Within this list, you can add up to 5 people who don’t need to live at your address! However, you will not be able to remove/add members regularly: the person must have been in your account for at least 6 months to be able to replace them with another.

In addition these people do not need to be a member of the British Airways Executive Club,so you can decide to add a friend only for a specific trip, book their plane ticket with your Avios miles and remove it 6 months later, without having need to register with British Airways Executive Club.

My travel companions

Finally, the last aspect of the household account is to be able to add regular travel companions.

travel companion family british en

This list will be particularly useful if you need to book tickets by phone: all information about your travel companions will be immediately accessible to the agent: no need to spell the letters of each person’s names and surnames. or remember their dates of birth!

However, you cannot use Avios miles to book reward tickets for “travel companions” (these travel companions will also need to be on your family or friends list).


The Family and Friends account of British Airways Executive Club is an excellent advantage compared to other programs like Aeroplan. If you travel occasionally or regularly on Oneworld airlines, plus with family or friends, it may be worth opening a family account!


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Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien, President and Founder of Milesopedia, is a recognized expert in rewards programs, credit cards, and travel in Canada and France. Approaching forty and a father of two, he has travelled to over 100 countries, half of them with his children and his wife, Audrey. Specializing in top loyalty programs like Aeroplan, American Express Membership Rewards, and Marriott Bonvoy, he guides travellers to maximize their benefits across North America and Europe.
All posts by Jean-Maximilien Voisine

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