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AIR MILES: Donate your Dreams Miles for a good cause

To the point As of April 9, AIR MILES Collectors can donate 500 or more Wish Miles to Food Banks Canada or Kids Help Phone.

500,000 Dreams for a good cause

As of April 09, 2020, AIR MILES is offering you the opportunity to donate your Dream Miles to support two causes:

For every 500 Wish Miles donated by a member to Food Bank Canada or Kids Help Phone, AIR MILES will contribute $50 and match the first $500,000 raised to support humanitarian relief and human support efforts across Canada.

Dons Air Miles

To do so, go to this page on the AIR MILES website. You can donate as many 500-mile increments as you like, for example, 6 donations of 500 miles is 3,000 miles.

Dons Milles

You will then receive a confirmation email informing you that your donation has been made.

You will later receive a tax receipt from the charity at the email address associated with your AIR MILES account.

Dons Final

Bottom Line

If you don’t plan to travel or use your Dream Miles, it’s a great way to donate some of them to a good cause!

Especially when you got those miles “free” with one of the many AIR MILES credit card offers available in Canada!

Come to discuss that topic in our Facebook Group!
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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