featured event

Register for our free Milesopedia meetups in Montreal and Quebec

To the point We are organizing two free meetups in Montreal and Quebec City in April 2022. Register now!

With the COVID-19 pandemic fading away, and travel plans resuming for many of you, it is now possible for us to schedule new Milesopedia Community meetups!

We know you love it: it’s a unique opportunity to meet community members, readers and travel and rewards program enthusiasts.

With the in-person exchange, ideas are bubbling up and some findings are even shared in small groups! All this while having a drink, of course!

Événements 5 à 7 Décembre 2021-4
Lloyd 2021-12-02
Lloyd 2021-12-13
Lloyd 2021-12-15
Lloyd 2021-12-08

Here are the two bilingual events in Montreal and Quebec City that you don’t want to miss.

We announced the Montreal event through the newsletter and the podcast and nearly 100 members have already responded.

These events are free like all our content available on Milesopedia.com, Youtube, through the weekly newsletter, the weekly podcast, and the Facebook community. You will just have to pay for your drinks.

And you could even leave with a little souvenir 😉

Note that there will be no group training at these events.

Montreal: April 8, 2022

Like in December 2021, the event will occur at the Bar Lloyd of the Marriott Montreal Chateau Champlain Hotel.

Montreal Marriott Chateau Champlain

Here’s what you need to know:

Location Marriott Montreal Château Champlain
Date April 8, 2022
Time 6 to 8 pm (or even 10 pm)
Cost Free of charge (you pay for your drinks)
Door prizes Surprise from Milesopedia
Already registered members 95

To confirm your participation in the event, please fill out this short form:

Quebec: April 21, 2022

Like in November 2019, the event will be held at the Brasserie Artisanale La Korrigane in Quebec City.

Événement 2019-11-04

Here’s what you need to know:

Location The Korrigane
Date April 21, 2022
Time 5 to 7 p.m. (or even 9 p.m.)
Cost Free of charge (you pay for your drinks)
Door prizes Surprise from Milesopedia
Already registered members 55

To confirm your participation in the event, please fill out this short form:


We hope to see you at one of these events! See you soon 🙂

Event thanks milesopedia
Come to discuss that topic in our Facebook Group!
Jean-Maximilien Voisine
Jean-Maximilien is an expert in Canada and France about Loyalty programs, Credit cards and Travel. He is the Founding President of Milesopedia.

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