Rachelle Béry Grocery

How to Save Money at Rachelle Béry with AIR MILES?

To the point Do you regularly do your grocery shopping at Rachelle Béry? Here are our tips to save money there with AIR MILES!

How to Save Money at Rachelle Béry Grocery Stores with AIR MILES?

Update June 8th 2022: **Note: As of the beginning of 2023, IGA, Marchés Tradition and Rachelle Béry stores will no longer be linked to the AIR MILES program. See this article on Scene+ which will be the new rewards program of IGA, Rachelle Béry and Les Marchés Tradition.

The Rachelle Béry banner is among the many partners of the AIR MILES loyalty program. There are now 12 Rachelle-Béry grocery stores in Quebec and one in Ontario. In addition, there are 20 natural health and supplement stores located in IGA Extra supermarkets. All are Sobeys’ franchisees.

Many members of the Milesopedia community looking for organic products choose to shop at Rachelle Béry grocery stores. They earn AIR MILES Reward miles:

  • so they can choose from over 1,200 rewards: travel rewards, products, event tickets or family activities with Dream Miles
  • or save on their bill at Rachelle Béry grocery stores by using Cash Miles.
Photo Credit: Québec Bio

Earn AIR MILES Reward Miles at Rachelle Béry grocery stores

In addition to offering healthy products, Rachelle Béry sells all the items needed for a complete grocery store:

  • certified organic fruits and vegetables and prepared foods
  • natural and organic grocery products
  • biodegradable cleaning and maintenance products

Besides, each Rachelle Béry health food store has a natural products section:

  • cosmetics and body care products
  • vitamins and supplements
  • teas and herbal teas
  • aromatherapy, homeopathy and herbal medicine articles etc.

At Rachelle Béry, AIR MILES members receive 1 AIR MILES Reward Mile for every $20 spent before taxes on eligible products in-store. Earnings are compiled from Monday to Sunday each week.

This ratio applies to:

  • regular or discounted items

AIR MILES Reward Miles are also awarded for online orders at health food stores.

Remember to register your AIR MILES Collector Number on your profile before proceeding online. You’ll get automatically your miles afterwards.

Rachelle-Béry Boutique
Photo credit: Circular Rachelle Béry

Please note that there is a delay in getting credited for AIR MILES Bonus Miles. Rachelle Béry Grocery stores calculate the purchases made during the previous week and credit the miles to the AIR MILES account the following week.

When ordering products online, AIR MILES Reward Miles are awarded 30 days after delivery.

Ineligible products

Products not eligible to earn AIR MILES Reward Miles are as follows:

  • Tobacco products
  • Lottery tickets
  • Bus tickets and passes
  • All gift cards
  • gift certificates and other products where prohibited by law.
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AIR MILES Events at Rachelle Béry

Several times a year, the AIR MILES program runs promotional events in which its merchant partners, such as Rachelle Béry grocery stores, participate.

Whether it’s Bonus Boom, Shop the Block, Mega Miles, bargain hunters are there.

Rachelle Bery Air Miles

These events are predictable every year. Our AIR MILES experts know how to prepare their shopping list to fill up when they visit Rachelle Béry Grocery Stores. This to really meet their needs and not to create them.

Rachelle Berry

Use your AIR MILES Reward Miles at Rachelle Béry grocery stores

You can redeem 95 AIR MILES Reward Miles for $10 off your bill to save at Rachelle Béry.

At checkout, you can show your physical AIR MILES card or the barcode on the app. Then you request to redeem AIR MILES CASH rewards up to a value of $750 per day. This transaction is instantaneous.

Grocery Expenses5

Credit cards at Rachelle Béry grocery stores

Some credit cards earn more points, miles or cash back at Rachelle Béry Grocery stores. Here are the best credit cards to save at Rachelle Béry.

AIR MILES credit cards

If you are a Rachelle Béry customer and an AIR MILES member, an AIR MILES credit card is recommended when shopping at Rachelle Béry.

With BMO no-fee credit cards, you can earn 3x miles for every $25 spent at Rachelle Béry (and participating AIR MILES partners). Plus, the AIR MILES Reward Miles you earn when you show your AIR MILES loyalty card.

You can also earn 3 AIR MILES Reward Miles for every $12 spent at Rachelle Béry with the BMO® AIR MILES® World Elite®* Mastercard®*. This credit card will offer the most AIR MILES Reward Miles for purchases at Rachelle Béry grocery stores (and at participating AIR MILES partners).

It’s a good time to apply for that card with this exclusive offer from milesopedia!

Finally, note that, likeIGA grocery stores, more and more Rachelle-Béry stores are accepting American Express credit cards. This is a good way to use one of these two credit cards at Rachelle-Bery or elsewhere:

Other credit cards

In addition to AIR MILES, other credit cards allow you to earn more points for grocery store purchases, such as at Rachelle Béry grocery stores.

For example, with the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite* Card, you can earn 5 points for every dollar spent at grocery stores (as well as restaurants, gas stations and transportation). And each year, you’ll get a $50 credit to use as you wish.

Alternatively, we recommend using the CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite* Card or the Scotia Momentum® VISA Infinite* card: you can earn 4% cash back for groceries.


Update June 8th 2022: **Note: As of the beginning of 2023, IGA, Marchés Tradition and Rachelle Béry stores will no longer be linked to the AIR MILES program. See this article on Scene+ which will be the new rewards program of IGA, Rachelle Béry and Les Marchés Tradition.

The AIR MILES program offers multiple opportunities to save money with Cash rewards or Dream Rewards. For those who choose to reduce the cost of groceries at Rachelle Béry stores, redeeming 95 AIR MILES Reward Miles for $10 remains an interesting strategy to use at the checkout.

There are several ways to earn AIR MILES bonus miles, including the basic offer, rewards on selected products, at promotional events and through bonuses and credit card multipliers.

Why do without it?

shop Rachelle Bery
Photo credit: Rachelle Béry
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Retired from the health care system and a slow traveller at heart, she invests many hours of her free time in travel. She loves to write about everything related to travel, miles and points.

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